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2-Way Zero Differe
Mounting Position: Any (preferably with solenoid system upright) Max. Process Temp: -10 t...
2-Way General Purp
Mounting Position: any; preferably with solenoid system upright Max Process Temperature: ...
PVC Solenoid Valve
Mounting Position: Any (preferably coil uppermost) Material: PVC Body and internals Max...
FDE30 Serial Dual-
Accuracy: \ 0.25% of reading Viscosity: 100 cSt or greater Repeatability: \ 0.05% Ope...
Positive Displacem
Accuracy: \ 1% rdg except \ 0.5% rdg for FTB-31 Max Pressure: 225 psi for FTB-32 throug...
FD20 Serial Positi
Accuracy: \0.5% over 10:1 turndown with 30cP fluid Repeatability: 0.1% Max Fluid Temper...
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