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High Accuracy Pito
SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy: Up to 1% of rate (see sizing). (Accuracy stated is for use in sc...
Liquid Flow Transm
SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy: 2% FS Repeatability: 0.5% FS Temperature Range: Stainless...
PTFE Liquid Flow S
SPECIFICATIONS Output Signal: 0 to 5 Vdc, adjustable ?0% (typical) and pulse output from...
Mass and Volumetri
Accuracy: \(0.8% of rdg + 0.2% FS) Repeatability: \0.2% Turndown Ratio: 100:1 Respons...
Water Flow Control
Accuracy: +/- 3% FS Linearity: +/- 3% FS Repeatability: +/- 1% FS Attitude Sensitivi...
Water Flowmeters a
SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy: ?% FS Linearity: ?% FS Repeatability: ?% FS Attitude Sensi...
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