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Batch Controllers(
The FPM-9020A batch controller was designed for simple, single-function batching systems. ...
Flow Indicators an
Accuracy: ?.5% of reading Repeatability: ?.2% of reading Input: Optically isolated In...
Battery Powered Fl
SPECIFICATIONS Input Freq. Range: 0 to 400 Hz (sinewave) Accuracy: ?.5% of reading Dis...
The Downtime Elimi
Pressure Rating: 100 psig max @ 20°C (68°F) Temperature Rating: 60°C (140°F) @ 25 psig ...
Pure PVDF or Poly
View the temperature and pressure rating data charts Output Signal: 1 V p-p/fps Output F...
Paddlewheel Flow
Accuracy: ?% full scale Output Signal: 1 V p-p/fps Output Frequency: 6 Hz/fps nominal ...
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